Autonomous aerial mapping and its applications for emergency response
- Publication Date
- Abstract
Navigating unknown structures (e.g., buildings or caves) can be a dangerous and challenging task for emergency responders. This risk can be reduced by capturing detailed 3D maps of unseen environments with a robotic sensor platform and using them to assess and visualise the unknown structures. Many existing approaches require offline processing or human oversight to produce high-fidelity maps, which precludes their use in real-time scenarios with limited communication. This paper investigates the use of an autonomous aerial mapping solution that could capture detailed 3D maps of unknown structures in real-time without requiring human intervention.
- Publication Details
- Type
- Abstract-Refereed Conference Paper
- Conference
- Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems for Emergency Response, Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things (CPS-IoT) Week
- Pages
- 19–23
- Digital Object Identifier
- 10.1109/CPS-ER56134.2022.00010
- Manuscript
- Google Scholar
- Google Scholar
- BibTeX Entry
author = {Rowan Border and Jonathan D Gammell},
title = {Autonomous aerial mapping and its applications for emergency response},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems for Emergency Response, Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things ({CPS-IoT}) Week},
year = {2022},
pages = {19--23},
month = {3 } # may,
doi = {10.1109/CPS-ER56134.2022.00010},