Batch Informed Trees (BIT*)
Source Code
BIT* is part of the Open Motion Planning Library (OMPL). You can find details on how to download and install OMPL on its website.
Batch Informed Trees (BIT*) is an anytime optimal sampling-based planner that uses the principles of dynamic programming to search the implicit random geometric graph (RGG) given by batches of samples drawn from the problem domain. To do this efficiently, it uses a heuristic much like A* to prioritize both expansion towards the goal and high-quality paths. Experimental results show that it outperforms existing optimal sampling-based planning algorithms (e.g., RRT*, FMT*) in terms of computational cost to find equivalent results while still providing an anytime solution.
- Publication
- Journal
- The International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR)
- Volume
- 39
- Number
- 5
- Pages
- 543–567
- Date
- Publication
- Type
- Ph.D. Thesis
- School
- University of Toronto
- Date
- Notes
- 2017 CIPPRS Doctoral Dissertation Award
- Publication
- Conference
- Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
- Pages
- 3067–3074
- Location
- Seattle, WA, USA
- Date