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  1. Queen's
  2. Smith Eng.
  3. ECE

Estimation, Search, and Planning (ESP) Research Group


  1. LaTeX Presents
  2. Canadian ESP
  3. Osprey: Autonomous Aerial Surveying
  4. Gaussian-process Continuous-time Visual Odometry for Event Cameras
  5. Planner Developer Tools (PDT)
  6. ESP @ IROS 2022 — Task and Motion Informed Trees (TMIT*)
  7. Surface Edge Explorer
  8. Adaptively Informed Trees (AIT*) and Effort Informed Trees (EIT*): Asymmetric bidirectional sampling-based path planning
  9. Effort Informed Roadmaps (EIRM*)
  10. Dr. Marlin Strub
  11. Multimotion Visual Odometry (MVO)
  12. AIT* & EIT*: Asymmetric bidirectional sampling-based path planning
  13. Admissible heuristics for obstacle clearance optimization objectives (arXiv 2021)
  14. ESP @ IROS 2020 — Award Nominated Collaboration with NASA JPL
  15. ESP @ IROS 2020 — SEE++
  16. ESP @ IROS 2020 — Occlusion-Robust MVO
  17. A Survey of Asymptotically Optimal Sampling-based Motion Planning Methods
  18. Proactive Occlusion and Coverage Estimation for NBV Planning (IROS 2020)
  19. ESP & NASA JPL (IROS 2020)
  20. Occlusion-Robust MVO (IROS 2020)
  21. ESP @ ICRA 2020
  22. Dr. Rowan Border
  23. Advanced Batch Informed Trees (ICRA 2020)
  24. Adaptively Informed Trees (ICRA 2020)
  25. Batch Informed Trees (BIT*): Informed Asymptotically Optimal Anytime Search (IJRR 2020)
  26. Dr. Kevin Judd
  27. ESP in the Mojave Desert
  28. ESP @ NASA JPL
  29. ESP @ ICRA 2019
  30. Oxford Multimotion Dataset (RA-L 2019)
  31. ESP @ IROS 2018
  32. Multimotion Visual Odometry (IROS 2018)
  33. ESP @ ICRA 2018
  34. Informed Sampling for Asymptotically Optimal Path Planning (T-RO 2018)
  35. Surface Edge Explorer (ICRA 2018)